Thursday, October 10, 2002


People of Today - What Do They Want?

In today's fast growing economy, people are not only working towards financial growth and stability they are also looking towards a better lifestyle for themselves and their family. While chasing dreams of early retirement, sending their children for overseas tertiary education, owning a few units of properties and a diversified portfolio of investment instruments, many questions are left unanswered.

Often people have not taken sufficient steps to ensure that their assets are protected from risk as well as ensure that their dependants are adequately taken care of financially in the event they are no longer around or in active employment. While steps have been taken to ensure that there are some forms of assets distribution arrangements, the funds required during the interim period may not be adequately set aside or worse, these funds are not taken into consideration when making the arrangements.

Also, many of the people while investing their monies and receiving investment return had not been able to analyze the actual rate of return after inflation. In fact, their investment strategies may not be in-line with their Financial Goals and Objectives without them realizing it.

Realizing Financial Goals - What Do They Need?

How then can people fulfill their Financial Goals while maintaining their current lifestyle and make their savings work harder for them? What do people require in order to ensure that all aspects of achieving their Financial Goals are taken care of? When their life circumstance changes, how do they know what impact all these issues have on their existing strategies. What should they do?

The most talked about process today is Financial Planning. Although Financial Planning is relatively new to many people in Malaysia, it has been practiced in USA for more than 40 years. In Malaysia today, Financial Planning as a profession is regulated by the Securities Commission. Its importance and development stems from the recommendations in both the Capital Market Masterplan 2001 and Financial Sector Masterplan 2001.

Financial Planning - What is it all about?

Simply, Financial Planning is about helping an individual achieve his or her Financial Goals from where he or she is today. To many people, Financial Planning is a complicated process and that only the rich need to worry about it. Is this true? The answer is "No".

In fact, all of us need some form of Financial Planning. When we first purchase a house, we need to ascertain how much we can afford, how much loan to take, which financial institutions is giving the better rate and which loan is best suited to me for better cash flow management. When we invest our hard earned savings, we need to find out about our risk appetite, the time period of investment, the anticipated rate of return and asset portfolio.

If we need to categorize the different stages of the wealth management process and its solutions, it can be best described as follows:

1. Wealth Protection
- Insurance

2. Wealth Growth
- Unit Trust Funds

- Equities
- Properties
- Savings accounts etc

3. Wealth Creation
- Insurance

4. Wealth Distribution
- Wills
- Trust

Doing Financial Planning - What are the Benefits to Me?

1. Investment Growth Strategies for better Return on Investment.

2. Financial Protection in case of Disability and Critical Illness (when removed from Employment
Permanently or Temporary)
3. Health and Medical Coverage for Hospitalization and Surgical Costs
4. Safeguard Family Income to ensure Continuity of Lifestyle
5. Children's Tertiary Education especially for Overseas Education
6. Retirement Funds for Independent Post-Retirement Lifestyle
7. Emergency Funds for Contingency and Replacement Costs
8. Estate Distribution to ensure Proper Administration of Estate and Protection of Family's Assets

Financial Planning Process - What Do I Need to Know?

The Financial Planning Process involves a Six Step Process.

1. Establishing and Defining your Relationship with your Planner
2. Gathering of your Personal and Financial Data including Goals
3. Analyzing and Evaluating your Financial Status
4. Developing and Presenting Financial Planning Recommendations and/or alternatives
5. Implementing the Recommendations
6. Monitoring the Recommendations

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